Friday, October 7, 2011

Why I don't hate when my kids are sick...

but I do.  It's a double-edged sword.

Really - I HIGHLY dislike having sick kids.  I feel terrible for them.  Thankfully my little wiggle worm, (AKA Kellen) hasn't gotten sick since he had a slightly congested nose around 2 months.  Unfortunately, my super polite, always usually kind, loving, "thinks he's a comedian" 2 1/2 year old (AKA Conner) gets sick.

As an infant, I not only had to take Conner to the pediatrician's office to do weight checks because he's "petite" but we were also there a LOT because he had either an ear infection or nasty cold.  Plus, I was a first time mom, so I ALWAYS took him into the pediatircian when he had the slightest issue "just in case."

<---I probably shouldn't point this out, but it is interesting that when Kellen had his first (and only so far) cold/nasal congestion I just raised his mattress up on one side, used saline, and a cool mist humidifier.  I didn't even bother calling the Dr...which is something I'm not sure I should be putting in writing for fear that someday Kellen may read this and realize that since he's our second we're "old hats" at the sick kid thing.  But then, I'll tell Kellen that "no, we didn't take you in...but that's because you were still nursing just fine, going to the bathroom just fine, and active as usual."  Because if you are a sick baby and you are active, eating, and eliminating like usual - the Dr. just tells the parents to watch for "not eating, not eliminating, and acting lethargic."  So we saved you, Kellen, from the boring trip down to the Dr's and unnecesary waiting in their ridiculously hot exam rooms.

Ok - enough digressing and being "tangential" which I don't think is a word but I am not going to take the time to look it up and find out - so if you want to look it up, let me know what you find out...

Back to the point of the post -

My little monkey man Conner is sick.  He woke up with a fever and telling me in a very sad and terribly pathetic voice, "I want you mommy."  It was settled, I was staying home with the little dude.  He told me his throat hurt so I decided to take him in to the Dr. "just in case" it was strep or something contagious.  Kellen went to daycare, as he was bright-eyed and bushy tailed as usual at 5AM.  I wanted to be able to take care of Conner and possibly prevent Kellen from getting whatever Conner has...which is unlikely since they ARE brothers and DO share a bedroom.  But it made sense this morning. 

And here it is.  The reason I actually don't hate it when my kids are sick.  The reason is totally selfish but I am confidant, in fact, I KNOW that pretty much every other mother out there feels this way...

My kid NEEDS me.  I am the only one that will make him feel better.  I get to cuddle with him ALL DAY and rub his back, head, or belly and give him all the love I can possibly give him.  I LOVE being able to snuggle with him and have him look at me like I am somehow magical and can make his uncomfortableness go away.  I still don't like it when I can't - and that brings all kinds of things like "mommy guilt" or insecurity into play.  However, for a little while we are in a fantasy, magical land where mommies are super-heroes and can make everything better with our magic kisses and love.  Our ever-lasting eternal love that no other person will ever know or understand until they are a mommy and can give that to their children.

I know my son is sick.  And it sucks.  But I also know, that for today, anyway, I get to shower him with all the sweetness and goodness and love in my heart to help him feel better...and he believes me when I say it's so.

And I know he is slowly quickly getting is Kellen.  Someday neither one of them will think of me as "super-hero" mommy with magical kisses and soothing head'm going to take this day of comforting my sick kid and remmeber it as a day that I was able to make his troubles, pain, and discomfort go away.

And that my friends, is why I don't hate when my kids are sick...even though I do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh - and FYI -
    Conner doesn't have strep or anything else other than probably a virus - like he is good at getting. Just have to let it run it's course.
