Sophie is da BOMB! Seriously. If you haven't yet met Sophie and you have a teething baby, you NEED to meet Sophie. Your child will literally DROOL over her...a lot! She is somewhat noisy at times, but her noise is well worth the comfort and joy she will bring to you your infant (and toddler). So who is this amazingly, wonderful, noisy gal? She's Sophie the Giraffe!
Her price tag ($17.13 on sale and $25 if not) made me wince back when Conner was a teething infant. I was sure that he (Conner) wouldn't be interested in this fairly trendy toy (what's her face...Paris Hilton's ex-best friend....Nicole Richie's daughter has one). Sophie was created in 1961...(Happy 50th Birthday!) and celeb moms are now jumping on the Sophie Bandwagon....BUT, Conner was not a grab-stuff-and-put-it-in-his-mouth kind of kid. So as much as I wanted to buy her for Conner, I just couldn't bring myself to pay $20 for a "glorified dog toy" <---because, "yes, folks...she squeaks! In not just one place, but two." Her head AND her belly...ahh the joys!
HOWEVER, kid # 2 (aka Kellen) is very much a grab-things-and-put-them-in-his-mouth kind of kid. Heck, he just likes to grab anything and it doesn't always end up in his mouth...although most of the items he grabs do (even hair), So, watch it ladies and gents with long hair - the kid has an incredible super-human like grip! I finally get why first time moms usually cut their hair short....which I didn't understand with Conner because again, he's just not the grabby kind of kid. Anyhow, seeing how I thought Sophie was so stinking cute but didn't have a truly legitimate reason to buy her until...KELLEN I had to get her! My super-hero grabber is the perfect candidate for an "over-priced, glorified dog toy."
See how happy she makes him?
So what if she cost $17.13? She was so very much worth it. And, she is far more than an over-priced glorified dog toy. Really, she is. Just check out her amazing qualities:
- Sophie's body is soft, but also has several areas of thicker rubber (her head, her ears, and her feet). This is perfect chewing relief for babies with painful gums from teething
- Sophie is very easy for babies to grab hold of - just look at my 5 month old holding onto her!
- Sophie is visually stimulating to a baby because of her contrasting colors and cute little giraffe face
- Sophie is made of 100% natural rubber from the Hevea tree and food grade paint - which means she is SAFE!
- Sophie stimulates hearing and encourages understanding of cause and effect (if I squeeze her she squeaks)
- Sophie is ADORABLE!
She is very loved.
Not only by my toothless barely there toothed 5 month old....
but also by my cool as can be 2 1/2 year old.
So...if you have a teething infant (or a 2 1/2 year old who loves animals that squeak) I am going to suggest you buy her. After taking the plunge for kid #2 - I think kid #1 may very well have enjoyed her as an infant - even if he wasn't a grab-things-and-put-them-in-his-mouth kind of kid. She's just so stinking cute not to love.